Colombo Audio Electronics / MOD Audio
2 Pedalboards using it

Rocker 83

Plugin screenshot

Rocker 83 is a distortion pedal conceived and developed by Colombo Audio Electronics with the intention of offering to all guitarists the possibility of obtaining the guitar tone of the 80s in its excellence, reminiscent of Rockman X100 pocket-amp*. Features and controls Rocker 83 offers the same simple controls interface as a normal guitar distortion box which, unlike the original X100 unit which with no controls, you can obtain different shades for a more precise adjustment to your guitar tone. - Volume: set the output volume of the distorted signal - Treble: set the amount of treble frequencies, set it high if you’re playing with a dark amp, set it low if you’re playing a trebly amp; - Gain: set the distortion level; - Edge/Dist: 2 position switch offering two different distortion ranges, “Edge” produces a mellow crunch tone, perfect for rhythm works; “Dist” is more juicy, full of harmonics and sustain. *Product names and trademarks are the property of their respective holders that do not endorse and are not associated or affiliated with MOD Audio or Colombo Audio Electronics; they were used merely to identify the product whose sound was incorporated in the creation of this plugin. Features: Plugin by MOD Audio & Colombo Audio Electronics Based on RTNeural by Jatin Chowdhury

Control Default Min Max
VOLUME 0.00 dB -60.00 dB 10.00 dB
TREBLE 0.50 0.00 1.00
GAIN 0.50 0.00 1.00
MODE 0 0 1
MODEL SIZE 1 0 2 v.1:1.0-10