I need to fill in for a bassist on Friday, so I'm trying to get as close to a bass guitar with an electric violin as possible. Hence: Neck Bass! All the sounds I want to achieve are doable with these plugins but I could use some help optimizing the pedalboard for latency, CPU usage, and dynamics. First off, I modified the drop plugins to achieve a minimum value of -24 semitones, so the displayed values aren't accurate to the sound. They're also set to the highest quality setting. In addition, my dwarf is currently set to 128 frames buffer. Would the portal plugins make sense for this board or would they add too much latency? If I should add them, where should I put them in the chain? I'm a bit of a novice regarding compressors, but I think I should add one at the start of the chain to get the volume of the bowed lines closer to that of the plucked. The routing at the end is so I can use the headphone out to rehearse with. And the second switchbox is for if I plug into the front of an amp.